- Grow your village by growing your villager population and score.
- Don’t let the fire burn out or you die!
Stoking the fire
You’ll recieve a Stoke Fire NFT when starting the game. This represents your village. If the fire goes out you'll have one last chance to keep it going by reviving the embers. If you don't do this for 4 days, your village NFT will be burned! You have 3 days to stoke the fire and keep it going. So you just need to stoke it once every 3 days. You need 3 wood to stoke the fire as well as some $FIRE tokens.
Grow your villager count
Having more villagers will help you get a higher score.
You need huts to house your villagers. A hut can hold 5 villagers. A hut takes 10 wood to build (this gets more expensive as your village grows). Make sure you can still stoke your fire though!
Your villagers also need fed!
Each villager consumes 1 food every stoke. Every time you stoke your fire we will check if you have enough food for your villagers.
If you have extra food and extra space in your huts more villagers will come join your village!
But if you don’t have enough food for your village, some villagers will die!
Revive the embers
If you miss stoking for 3 days then your fire burns out. But you still have a second chance to get your village back by reviving the embers. You have to pay more $FIRE tokens to revive. The amount of FIRE you have to pay goes up based on how much score you have. You can always choose to reset your village back to 0 and redeem your rewards if you don't want to pay the cost to keep going.

Your score goes up or down at time of stoke fire. Based on how many villagers you add on stoke time. You can also lose villagers and lose score if you don’t have enough food to feed them.
You earn rewards based on the percentage of your score to the total score of all villages. These rewards are distributed to you and acumulate as ETH from 2% of fees on $FIRE volume. This is not realized till you redeem your rewards which sets your village back to 0.
newVillagersAdded = min(surplusFood / 2, availableHutSpace)
scoreAdded = newVillagersAdded * 1.2 + smallRandomNum