Grow your village onchain.
Gather resources, raid your friends and stoke the fire to grow your population. A mobile game built on base and the farcaster social graph. Our hope is that you have fun interactions and make new friends!
web app and PWA soon...

Frequently asked questions
If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to the dev.
What do I do in Stoke Fire?
You grow your village by getting resources every day. You can also raid your friends and try to steal their resources. It's fun!
Where do the rewards come from?
There is a 2% tax on $FIRE buy and sells. This is swapped to ETH and used to reward village owners that play the game well. There is no funny inflation or minting tokens going on.
Who can play?
Currently Stoke Fire is in early access and only users who were airdropped $FIRE can play. This will be opened up to more as we go.
Do I need money to play?
You'll just need some $FIRE to burn every few days to keep your fire alive. We provide some ETH for gas for you. Maybe eventually you'll need some more.
What is $FIRE?
$FIRE is the backbone of the Stoke Fire economy. It is 100% circulating and deflationary. It is used within the game.
What's your goal?
Stoke Fire is an experiement to make a web3 game that is actually fun! Also create something unique and new that can last for a long time.